[英譯中] 第二屆中譯盃中國全國口譯大賽 交替傳譯 第一環節試題



原文出處:中國翻譯協會 參考翻譯:Ivan Wang (August 28th. 2012)

  • And “Revolution” is not too strong a word for what technology can do for health care – but we need to act with more speed and more urgency to make this happen. Policy makers could accelerate the implementation of health IT dramatically with just a few critical reforms.
  • 用"革命"來形容科技能在保健領域做出的貢獻並不為過,但要實現這場革命,我們必須加緊腳步、更加迫切。執政者只需做出一些關鍵的變革,就能使健康資訊科技的執行速度大幅提升。
  • If we get this right, we have the chance to dramatically improve the quality of life, not just in the U.S., but around the world. If you think about it, there are more than 5 billion wireless phones in use today around the world. Wireless networks cover more than 85 percent of the world’s population. In less developed countries, they’re more pervasive than roads and electricity.
  • 如果我們能這樣做,我們將有機會大幅改善我們的生活品質 — 不僅僅在美國,而是全世界。想想看,今天世界上使用的無線電話超過五十億台;無線網路則涵蓋世界人口85%以上。在一些比較落後的國家,無線網路甚至比道路和電還普遍。
  • The World Health Organization has just published a report on the fantastic potential for using these wireless networks to deliver m- and e-health care solutions to the world’s population. They note that, while there are lots of small-scale m-health experiments going on, no one has really solved the security, interoperability and standardization problems that are getting in the way of delivering these vital services in a system-wide,worldwide basis in a secure and interconnected way.
  • 世界衛生組織剛發布一份報告,認為無線網路極有潛力能為世界行動和電子保健領域所面臨的問題找到解決方案。他們指出,儘管仍有許多小規模的行動保健實驗進行中,沒有人能夠真正解決安全、相互操作及標準化的問題。這些問題對於以全球系統化為基礎,安全及相互聯繫地提供重要服務造成阻礙。
  • At Verizon we think it’s time to scale up.
  • 我們認為,是時間擴大規模了
  • We believe in the disruptive power of innovation to transform health care and dramatically improve the quality of life, for America and the world. This is not only one of the world’s great social and moral challenges, but also one of its greatest growth opportunities. We look forward to working with partners across throughout this industry to finally realize the full potential of the health IT revolution.
  • 我們相信強大的創新能力能夠為美國及全世界的保健領域帶來變革,並顯著提高生活品質。這不僅僅是全球社會及道德最大的挑戰之一,也是成長最大的機會之一。我們期許能與這個領域的夥伴合作、最終能發揮這場保健資訊領域革命的最大潛能。
  • Thank you.
  • 謝謝。

小記:這是我個人今年六月初到北京比中譯盃全國總決賽時第一環節英譯中的比賽,仍舊記憶猶新。當初抽號、叫號以及在會場門外小凳子上等待的緊張好像又浮現了一般。面對台下評委及觀眾,短時間內要翻譯出這樣難度的文章實在不容易,比在台灣比全國賽的水平又高了許多。這次把當初口譯的內文拿來筆譯,也是挺難的。當初在口譯比賽的時候因為筆記做的不夠細,有些細節漏掉了,也有一些當下沒有聽到的關鍵字..如 m- and e- health care.. 看來想走這條路還需要更積極的練習啊!大家共同加油,也希望高手給我意見 😛

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